Handy Salt Meter1 Measures Salt in Soups

  Keep track of your salt intake with the Handy Salt Meter, a sort of salt-content thermometer2 for hot, liquid foods.
  Offered by Thanko of Japan, the device is designed primarily for aficionados3 of salt-prone4 soups like ramen5 or udon6 noodles. It can be inserted into any semi-liquid food with a temperature between 140 and 176 degrees F, and the results are displayed in less than a second on the LED screen. A bit of math is required to come to the final reading, with a reading of 1 percent on a 100 gram ounce serving of soup equaling one gram of sodium7.

1 meter: 儀表

2 thermometer: 溫度計

3 aficionado: 愛好者

4 prone: 傾向於

5 ramen: 拉麵

6 udon: 烏龍

7 sodium: 鈉


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