
Anti-gay laws spark Russian vodka boycott1
July 31st, 2013
02:00 PM ET

  Bars around the world have stopped serving Russian vodka to protest the country's recently-enacted2 anti-gay laws.
  The movement comes in the wake of several laws implemented by Russian president Vladimir Putin in recent months that ban same sex couples from adopting Russian-born children, allow police to arrest foreigners they suspect as being "pro gay", and outlaw3 "homosexual propaganda4" as pornography.
  In response, internationally syndicated5 sex columnist6 Dan Savage started a "Dump Russian Vodka" campaign, asking bartenders and booze7 enthusiasts to put the Russian stuff back on the shelf.
  "Show the world that Russian persecution8 of gays is unacceptable," a campaign flier states. "Boycott Russian vodka until persecution of gays and their allies ends."
  Bars from the U.S., U.K., Canada and Australia have responded.

1 boycott: 抵制

2 enact: 制訂、頒布

3 outlaw: 取締

4 propaganda: 宣傳

5 syndicate: (通過報社聯合組織)刊登、流傳 (v.)

6 columnist: 專欄作家

7 booze: 豪飲

8 persecution: 迫害


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